Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Why are stock spammers such horrendous liars?

Recently seeing lots of craptacular text spam (I guess those images aren't working like you thought they would are they?) touting stocks, but worded as though it's someone's mistaken update to a family member. Two examples:


Dad called and said he will be coming a day late now. So I will pick him up at the airport. oh, and before i forget he is that company i told you about.

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy.Price & Volume Go Through the Roof!


Duuuuuuude, lol! this christmas is going to be so much fun. I have made a killing on these things. here check it out. this is the newest one I got.

V S U S Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy.Price & Volume Go Through the Roof!

Yeah. Great. "Duuuuuude" lol indeed. That is so hilarious. You sure got me.

For the record: all of my spam filters are still stopping this spam, and rightly so. Furthermore, everytime I get these, I immediately blab about it on several investment forums, so nobody who actually has the motivation to participate in your stupid schemes is likely to actually drop the cash on your fake fucking stocks okay assholes?

Spammers really are idiots. At the end of the day they are desperate little cowards who like to boast about how wealthy they are. That is until they finally get caught.


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