Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Diabolical Mind Of A Spammer...

I always find it interesting that most spammers have the same response or argument regarding the legality or morality of what they do.

Recently, somebody posted (in the usenet group "NANAE") a link to this article, which is a discussion of the term "psychopath", how it came to be, what it means, and - generally - how we can determine who is a psychopath or sociopath. The poster was asking the question: "Are spammers psychopaths?" It's a valid question.

The article describes the following experiment:

For his first paper, now a classic, Hare had his subjects watch a countdown timer. When it reached zero, they got a "harmless but painful" electric shock while an electrode taped to their fingers measured perspiration. Normal people would start sweating as the countdown proceeded, nervously anticipating the shock. Psychopaths didn't sweat. They didn't fear punishment -- which, presumably, also holds true outside the laboratory. In Without Conscience, he quotes a psychopathic rapist explaining why he finds it hard to empathize with his victims: "They are frightened, right? But, you see, I don't really understand it. I've been frightened myself, and it wasn't unpleasant."

This is often stated as a similarity that most career spammers have regarding how annoyed the average person can get when receiving their 300th porn spam message of the day, unsolicited. To those of us who despise this as a method of doing "business", it's extremely annoying, insulting, offensive and aggravating. To spammers: it's no big deal. So you got another porn spam? That's too bad. Any by the way: here's an additional 300 more for you. [send]

Nick Danger, in his ongoing tirades on Bulkerforum, seems to think that we have a problem with "honest" people making "honest" money, via what he perceives to be "legitimate" methods:

I am of the opinion that those at "Spamkangaroocourt" are self-indulgent Pseudo-liberal/Neo-socialists who have no respect for and in fact resent honest hard working business folks and are among those hate and destest anyone happier and more successful than they themselves are.

I am sick to death of little rat bastards like them; entitlement minded assholes who will do anything to stop anyone who is out there trying to make a living in any way of which the "Judges" do not approve.

They are arrogant little pricks with nothing better to do than fuck with hard working people and fuck with me.

I resent the Hell out of that.

Funny: the reason judges exist is to decide the legality, the reasonableness, the legitimacy of peoples' actions as regards the law. The law is not something you just ignore, and then complain when someone pipes up that you have broken it. If I kill someone I can't just claim that "that's what I do for a living" and not expect someone to take notice that someone has died as a result of it. That's not generally considered a "legitimate" way of running a business. People are dying from the fake drugs that people like Nick Danger are so intent to spam to us and profit from every single day. (I don't know for sure if he spams pills but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.) So it's more than just someon's opinion, or that of a judge, that committing stock fraud is not a genuine or "honest" way to make a living. This type of career spammer is not operating in any way honestly, or legally.

The only thing I feel "entitled" to is the right to not have to see messages like the ones Nick Danger and those like him send to me every single day, whether I want them or not. And I know I'm not at all alone in that wish.

Of course, Nick Danger doesn't see it that way. No spammer does. They honestly can't understand why people could get so upset receiving literally hundreds if not thousands of spam messages every single day, and why they would want that to stop.

"Honest hard working business folks" don't normally break so many laws while operating their so-called "business", something Mr. Lynn appears to do - or at least have quite a great deal of familiarity of doing - with startling frequency. The key word in his own statement is the word "honest." He didn't even use his real name at any point until it was outed by the spam-court website and myself. He kept the name "Nick Danger" as separate as possible from his real name, Marion Lynn. That's not honest. It's not illegal, sure, but it's not forthright. Genuine businesses are more than happy to identify themselves. More recently, he now signs with "Marion" on his bulkerforum postings.

Spamming stocks is fraudulent activity. That's also not honest. Spamming millions of people who never wanted to hear from you in the first place is not honest. I could go on...

In fact, we can't even make the statement that spamming is (as he claims) "hard work". The hardest part of the work regarding stock spamming in particular seems to involve covering one's tracks (see above re: "honest".) The rest of it is letting your computer do the work. This is why spamming is so popular with a specific lazy portion of Americans. Nick Danger boasts that we who hate receiving the spam he and others like him send every day "hate and destest anyone happier and more successful than they themselves are". I myself am quite happy, and I consider myself to be very successful. I am certainly not jealous of his amassed (alleged) wealth, in the same way that I'm not impressed by the amassed wealth of a crack dealer. This is a common misconception of spammers: "you're just jealous because we make so much money." Usually followed by "it's just marketing. Marketing is everywhere! Do you hate people who advertise on TV?"

I responded to one such diatribe by an anonymous Russian spammer who chose to register to one of the forums I frequent, just so he could spam the forum, then boast about how rich he was:

His post (unedited by me, and still available to be read):

Bill gate do alots of publicity on your msn windows etc etc publicity is every where

anyway i dont mind i probably love to much money but that my problem i have a good car i make 3 or 4 trip/year good house etc

that why i love money and when i work its for money

just different way of thinking

This appears to be how every spammer communicates in any discourse regarding why they should clean their lists and they never seem to get the fact that we all do not care how rich they are. Many child pornographers are also probably rich. Am I jealous of them? No. Should I be? Certainly not.

My response was as follows:

Hey you know what? That's ridiculous. Another different way of thinking is to just piss all over everybody you meet whether you know them or not. I mean hey: you're so rich! Where's the harm in that? People piss every day! Even Bill Gates pisses every day! And look at how rich he is! If he can do it so should you! Wherever you like! That's a great way to live your life. And if people have a problem with you pissing on them well: they all must just be jealous of how fabulously rich you are!

Hey while you're at it maybe you should go around knifing people throughout the day. After all people use knives don't they? Even at the dinner table! You're rich! It shouldn't matter to anyone how you use your stupid knife!

Stock fraud is not a "business": It's fraud. See the dictionary definition of fraud:

fraud Pronunciation[frawd] –noun
1. deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.
2. a particular instance of such deceit or trickery: mail fraud; election frauds.
3. any deception, trickery, or humbug: That diet book is a fraud and a waste of time.
4. a person who makes deceitful pretenses; sham; poseur.

Nowhere in that definition is there any mention of honesty or integrity (in fact the definition contains very specific use of the word "dishonest"), and yet Nick Danger wants us all to think that he's this fine upstanding gentleman while still pursuing his illegal stock spam operations.

Selling fake diplomas is also an illegal act, yet several members of that forum discuss wanting new leads for diplomas, etc., like it's just an everyday product. Like it's toothpaste. I hope they are one day operated on by a "surgeon" who has purchased one of their "diplomas". Or have their taxes done by someone with one of their accountant "diplomas" on the wall. I hope that teaches them exactly what kind of risk they are posing to the public at large.

Did I have to expose this information? No. Did I have to spend all the extra hours digging up Nick Danger's identity (and many others)? No. But I also didn't want to keep hearing from these individuals, or about any of their so-called "products" and "services." Neither do millions of people. Yet the spam continues, and the illegal profiteering continues with it. I am not alone in wishing they would stop sending this crap, and as long as they do: I'm going to keep on investigating them, and occasionally making the data that I dig up available to people who can make a tangible difference in their ability to profit from these scams.

Marion Lynn / Nick Danger can keep on spouting off about how "right" he is in continuing to spam stocks, or spam to lists for which he (probably) obtained zero permission from anyone but another criminal spammer to send to. That does not make him right.

Lynn has apparently begun his (probably frivolous) legal action against Spam-court. So we can add "wasting the court's time" to his list of "honest" methods of making a living.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Now Hiring: Copywriters for My Canadian Pharmacy Spammers

Another series of idiot spammers for well-known illegal pharmacy operation "My Canadian Pharmacy" has decided to switch things up lately.

First they started adding very large attachment gifs - none of which got through any filters by the way - featuring urls like "www.galroe.com". They look ridiculous and ugly, and you don't click on them, you have to type the url in. Their sales must just be going through the roof with techniques like that in place.

Then today I get this lovely bit of colloquial copy in a new spam:

Guys, why should you waste your time going from one grugstore
to another and spend much more money for the pills?
Here in our store you will find everything you desire for the
really lowest prices. Our products are of the highest quality
and absolutely discrete.
LIve the full life, enjoy every moment of it - do not let
yourself feel discomfortable

Yeah why should I? Guys? Huh? Why should I waste my time going from one "grugstore" to another for the to have of some with pills buying?

Even remedial knowledge of the English language would be a detriment to these idiots and their attempts at "marketing."

Take the hint, you stupid pathetic idiots: we don't want to hear from you. "Spicing up" your copy is no more likely to get me to click on your stupid links or buy anything from you. Quite the opposite. It makes me want to shut every single one of your sites down. Fortunately, this is something I and several colleagues have been getting more and more effective at. So keep it up -- Or, as you so eloquently put it, "do not let yourself feel discomfortable" -- We'll investigate and report every single one of these sites.

Just another reminder: don't buy the fake drugs these criminals are pushing. They kill people. And these spammers don't care at all.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


In light of recent tirades from the so-called Mr. "Nick Danger", and especially his massive outburst yesterday, I thought I would set the record straight via other means. So I posted to NANAE regarding all the data we've discovered on Nick Danger / Marion Lynn so far.

This may be of interest to some of you, especially if you are an employee of Dreamhost, or if you're in the state of Kansas and have any affiliation with law enforcement. It would especially be useful to members of the US Department of Justice, as well as the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


SiL / IKS / concerned citizen

Monday, May 14, 2007

Nick Danger, Meet Tinfoil Hat!

Spam-Court.com appear to be continuing to fight the good fight. :) I intend to back up every posting in the event that an actual DDOS does take place against that site, or that they have to be taken down due to what appear to be baseless lawsuits.

Some quotations:

We are extremely sorry, Dreamhost ....

Posted May 13th, 2007 by TheScribblers
... that you maybe will have to waste your time on wannabe spammers who appear to think they are legal experts. Marion has apparently been reading himself up to the status of a legal genius and posted the following on bulkerforum.biz:

..... so I am going to hit the registrar and the host with a "Cease and Desist" letter. We'll see if those boys wake up then!

Now we don't think Marion will do that. We have been reading some of his writings elsewhere and he does not appear to be full of legal expertise, but mostly "I have been reading myself up"'s and hot air.

But just in case.

A couple of months back we found the following article on the Dreamhost blog:

Dealing With A DMCA Crook

This is good stuff. From the looks of it, "Nick Danger" has slipped up a few times in public forums, spam-court has done some research based on that and posted his assumptions, and "Nick Danger" now apparently seems to think that the spam-court website is somehow clairvoyant. He doesn't appear to be able to keep track of where he posts which things, and assumes that people are monitoring his every word via whatever means he happens to broadcast them. This is needlessly paranoiac.

To whit:

This is an unwise scenario for anyone to enter.

I never forget, I never forgive and I always exact retribution; to Hell with revenge!

[snipping a long-winded babble quoting Shakespeare]

I will tell you ALL this...................................................

Change your passwords right now and be VERY careful about PMing through Bulker.

I have reason to believe that some PMs are being read by unauthourised parties.

ADMIN should step up security, like RIGHT NOW!

Wow! Such bluster! While Mr. Danger is hiding under his bed, let's review his activities over the past weeks:

Step 1: he posts voluminously regarding his intent to send a legal action to Spam-Court.

Step 2: Spam-court posts this on their website.

Step 3: He starts quoting lyrics to a song and making mention of "fair use", apropos of nothing.

Step 4: Spam-court appears to correctly identify that he's sending him some copyright-related legal action, and does the proper due diligence anyone facing legal action should do.

This is all reasonable research, and in fact it ties closely to similar research I myself have been doing. Cease and Desist inevitably leads to some investigation of the DMCA (possibly the most flawed law ever passed in US history.)

But let's continue the path shall we?

Step 5: Nick Danger, apparently forgetting which forum he's posting to, mistakenly signs his posting with the name "Marion" on Bulkerforum.biz. Naturally you'll have to register to read that, but I'll also quote it here:

Nick Danger
Joined: 15 Sep 2006
Posts: 181
Location: The High Plains
Reputation: 10.1
votes: 1

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 8:56 pm
Well, jerks at Spamkangaroocourt have run out of time so I am going to hit the registrar and the host with a "Cease and Desist" letter.

We'll see if those boys wake up then!


He walks again by night.

Which merely backs up that spam-court is correct in identifying him as "Marion". He identified himself as Marion!

Step 6: Any child could perform a google search for the lyrics to Cabaret, but look what happens when you search for them with the name Marion.

Why it's the very same posting as the one made on Bulkerforum.biz! Almost to the letter! Only it's dated April 5th, 2006.

Also: thanks to his own posting, we have his full name: Marion Lynn. And all we had to use was Google, to find a post that he himself made. If this is a coincidence, it has to be among the steepest coincidences ever.

Does he want Lawrence Journal World (ljworld.com) to "cease and desist" as well? Shouldn't Marion Lynn actually be suing Marion Lynn? I mean: he's the one posting this crap in the first place, not spam-court.

All we want is for Nick Danger / Marion Sidney Lynn (hey guess what? That was also available via Google!) to stop emailing the millions of people who don't want to receive his pathetic stock spam, something which he posts about at great length in bulkerforum.biz.

I wonder if his friends and colleagues know that he's a spammer? I wonder if they're aware that he abuses the identities of homeless people, apparently for purposes of his own greed and profit? They should. Maybe that's why he doesn't want sites like spam-court (or this blog, probably) to keep posting this information, yet he won't shut up about it himself. but even if we didn't post it: any fool could find it.

Needless to say: I have handed all of this information over to the SEC and the DOJ, both of whom have been watching the bulkerforum site for quite some time now - something I'm sure the operators of that website must be keenly aware of.

More as it happens, as it almost certainly will be...

IKS / SiL / concerned citizen

Thursday, May 10, 2007

As a sign of how busy my day job has been lately, I just realized that I posted virtually identical evidence, twice, without noticing. So you have my apologies. I think of the two postings as being supportive evidence anyway, and distinct enough that anyone reading them could most certainly draw enough conclusions about just how "legal" Nick Danger's background tends to be. That he would on the one hand compare himself and his like to Tony Soprano, and yet on the other hand still press on with some ridiculous legal action against spam-court, is wholly mystifying. I would hope that those in the legal community who stumble upon this would feel the same way.

He's also, of course, boasted very loudly about this on bulkerforum, which has been replied to with a barely-literate posting from someone named "lizza" claiming that spam-court is somehow childish for exposing this information. Fraud is not childish. Theft of services is not childish. Repeatedly spamming people who definitely do not want to hear from you: that's childish. Why spammers fail to recognize this is beyond me.

More as it happens.


Nick Danger v. Spam-Court?

Wow the hits just keep on coming don't they?

Out of respect to spam-court - and especially the recent news of mcproxy completely removing himself from the spam biz - I have removed the copy of the posting from that blog. Interesting that such scant information could lead to someone completely rethinking their whole method of making money.

What's even more interesting is that that old stalwart "Nick Danger" continues to press on with his harrassment and badgering of Spam-Court as an informational entity. In an email he sent to the owner of spam-court he inquires:

Would you please be so kind as to supply me with your service address; that is, that address at which you receive legal documents, notifications, subpoenas and the like? Failure on your part to provide me with such address will result in requests being forwarded to both your web host and your domain name registrar. All speed will be appreciated. Thanks. Nick Danger.

So first he commands his spammer friends to "take down" spam-court.com, then his posting gets deleted - obviously since not many on that forum supported his view - and now he continues forward with his same plans to "take down."

Digging up some background on Mr. Danger leads to some interesting details - and I could just stick to bulkerforum postings as the main ammo. The man has a habit of not caring who he sends his mail to, or how he got their email addresses, and yet constantly refers to himself as a "compliant" emailer. In the same breath he often hints that nobody would bother checking anyway, which is incorrect - as has been proven in previous CAN-SPAM lawsuits. What Mr. Danger is failing to recognize is the following:

"Compliance" means that you are using at least a double-opt-in method for acquisition of your list addresses. That rules out things like email harvesters - something he's known to use.

"Compliance" also means you can't mess with the headers of an email, something else he's obviously been doing.

He hides behind the following statement:

I do want to be as "comploiant" as possible in all respects and yes, I do have both my own non-profit and connectiuons with others.

[All spelling errors are present in his original posting]

How does having your own "non-profit" have any bearing on the fact that you still spam to a list you gathered using email harvesters? That's something that turns a normal CAN-SPAM violation into an "aggravated instance", and opens you up to other computer trespassing laws. It's also widely perceived as NON-compliant.

If you harvest my email address from anywhere - usenet newsgroups, blog postings, websites, myspace, craigslist, what have you - you are not a compliant mailer and you are violating (among numerous other things) CAN-SPAM legislation. There is solid case law on the books regarding this.

But that's only important if all we want to go after him for is whether he's a compliant mailer or not.

Nick Danger is apparently an unapologetic stock spammer, and my personal hunch is that he's behind several thousand (if not many more) stock spams for the following stock symbols:

  • GDKI
  • CWTD
  • CHFR
  • UTEV
  • PSUD

Again: this is my hunch. And I have my reasons for believing so, but no factual evidence (yet.)

Why do I know he's an unrepentant and repeat stock spammer? Simple: he says so!

In a bulkerforum posting dated Jan. 21, 2007, he goes into quite a bit of detail as to how exactly one can profit from this illegal stock manipulation, even referring to the activity directly as the well-known term "pump and dump" (as always I am not editing anything in his posting):

If you want to pump-and-dump for yourself and let's face it; all stock mailing is about pump-and-dump (Sorry, gang but that IS the reality!), you get someone with a minimum of ten grand to buy the stock.

Now you don't want any overt connection to this guy, do don't use email, phone calls; meet in resturants and bars like Tony soprano meets his guys.


NO IM messaging, NO AIM, NO ICQ, etc.

Wow. That sounds totally legitimate and honest, doesn't it? But there's more:

Your front man buys the stock in his or his compny's name.

A few weeks later, you mail for that stock predicting all sorts of wonderfulness and that money will just be lying around.

You should send these emails on a Wednesday or Thursday.

Come Monday, your guy is sitting at HIS computer wataching that stock like a hawk watches a mouse in a field.

When it goes up 6-8%, which it will if you've emailed properly, he sells.

6% of 10 grand is $600.00


You now have around $10,550.00 to work the next one.

If your guy has, let's say $50K available, you can work several of these at the same time.

Don't so it too often under the same acount though; move around your portfolio among the discount brokers so that you do not draw attention to your little "thang".

This is how it really works and it has nothing to do with these compnaies "raising capital", "funding research", etc; none of the claims made are true.

ALL stock mailing is connected to a pump-and-dump plan so let's not gild the lily and let's also face reality.

Is this legal?

Probably not.

Is it ethical?

When discussing anything connected with the stock market the terms "ethical" and "stocks" are mutually exclusive, so who cares?


Nick Danger.
He walks again by night.

In a previous posting from Oct., 2006, he also emphasized the need to destroy evidence:

You must keep as much paper distance between yourself and the actual stockholder as the FTC and SEC take a dim view of this practice and will put you in jail if they catch you at so use only overseas mailers, etc.

When setting up this little thingy do NOT use emails, cell phones and keep no written notes.

You can use pre-paid cell phones which are traceable to no one.

Also, you as the mailer NEVER want to actually hold any of the stock in your name or the name of any relative or close freind; you do NOT want this traced back to you!

Good luck!

This is instructive on many levels. He makes it clear that he's uncertain about the legality of this act. Well let me help him out with that: it's flatly illegal and not merely a federal offence, but an international one. You can be prosecuted not only by the US law enforcement (federal or state), but also the law enforcement in the resident country of the company whose stock you are spamming. That includes China. (Note: I'm not a lawyer, I just do my research.)

The US Securities and Exchange Commission recently suspended trading on some 35 companies' stocks due to the fact that they kept finding that the press releases and company information were, more often than not, completely fake. That's a huge no-no - and also a federally punishable offence.

As evidence of this, witness a Mr. Jeremy Jaynes, successfully prosecuted in the autumn of 2004, and currently serving a 9-year sentence for pump and dump spamming. This is not some fairy-tale land where people don't notice the stock spam that people like Nick Danger are sending out every single day. People notice. People eventually take action.

So I find it interesting that he's making noises as though he's about to serve some kind of legal notice to the owner and operator of spam-court - a public website, run privately and without any profit - when he himself has very publicly stated that he is either directly profiting from illegal activity, or certainly knows enough about it to do so.

That knowledge is further borne out by his investigation into bettering his image spamming.

Then there's this gem, showing the human side of Mr. Danger. In a posting from Sept., 2006 regarding anonymous setup of so-called "bulletproof" servers he recommends the following:

Post subject: Inhibitors OF Free Speech.......


...are they all!

AS a bit of a Newbie, it seems to me that one must own about nine dozen domains purchased in the names of freinds, relatives, acquaintaneces, homeless people(Homeless people will do ANYTHING for a six pack or a pint of Viaka!), your cats and your dogs and just keep moving.

and later in the same posting:
Homelss people are also good straw men for bank accouts but take them to a bank far away from the alley in which they live as they will soon foget where you have taken them and do not leave them with any banking info.

You then extract the money from the account using an ATM card and the money is NOT traceable to you!

Heh, heh.

Did I say that?

This was also quoted on spam-court.com (in greatly reduced form.) That he or anyone else would fail to see any of this as an abuse is just staggering. That's an abuse of the homeless person's personal identity (such as it is), and it's also making the homeless person accessory to fraud (or whatever else his spam runs are for, but from what he's said in that forum it's largely stock manipulation.) This does nothing to raise my already very low opinion of Nick Danger.

I sincerely hope that the owner of spam-court will not take his legal overtures lying down, and will retort with something with real teeth: that Nick Danger should divulge his true identity and own up to his verifiably illegal acts, and that the court should consider his laughable "lawsuit" to be the ridiculous slapp suit that it is and have it thrown out of court.

More as it happens, obviously.


P.S. I notice that as I wrote this there has been yet another update in this proceeding. Nick Danger re-replied:

Well, I would have thought that you were right on top of legal stuff as you write on your website as though you are! Were I you, I would contact my attorney to get a definition of "service address" and I would do it quickly. In the meantime, I'll help you out a bit by telling you that I need to send you a letter and if you do not provide me with a good address to whcih to send that letter, I will be forced to send the letter along with certain other documents to both your host and and domain registrar. Perhaps we can cut those parties out of this loop if you accede to my request. Thanks,

Nick Danger.

Funny: at no point, ever, have I assumed that spam-court was in any way a legal information website, any more than I consider this blog to be one. As usual: Mr. Danger is following an incorrect assumption.

I hope that this "letter" and these "documents" feature his real name and address. So do several legal representatives I've mentioned this to. :) All kinds of interesting information could come out of that.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Update on the Spam-Court DDOS announcement

The entire thread has "mysteriously" disappeared from bulkerforum.biz. Boy I wonder why?


Monday, May 7, 2007

Bulkerforum.biz: touchy touchy!!

Suddenly, and apparently apropos of nothing, one "Nick Danger" decided that it's time to "take down" a site that is performing research on the members of that forum. It's a website with a fairly niche readership, to say the least: Spam-Court.com.

You may want to cover your ears (eyes?) as Mr. Danger has quite a mouth on him.

And I quote:

Subject: Time To Do A Takedown On "Spam Court"!
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:24 am

These fuckers need the TREATMENT!

"Spamhaus, Junior"!

SOMEONE needs to do a "Blue Security" on them, like RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!

If this post reads as though I am calling for open warfare on these bastards; that is EXFUCKINGZACTLY what I am doing!

I don't have the wherewithal or the expertise, otherwise, I'd do it myself.

Let me know how I can help.


Nick Danger.
He walks again by night.

Now: why on earth would he suddenly wish to be undertaking such a loud, public and illegal act?

It doesn't appear that the website has any deep information on Nick Danger. (Although that is certainly not difficult to dig up, trust me.) Instead, it appears that the information which spurred this angry tireade from Mr. Danger is a recent posting regarding a member by the name of "mcproxy", who also has been pretty obvious about leaving trails of evidence to his true identity over the years he's been active in the business of spamming. I say this because the posting regarding mcproxy (on Spam-Court) was posted on May 5th, 2007. No posting has been made regarding Nick Danger since September of 2006.

The posting as it currently appears on Spam-Court reads as follows:

[Removed out of respect for Spam-Court doing the same. Essentially very scant details identifying bulkerforum.biz member "mcproxy"]

That sounds pretty... obscure. It is clear that he may have more detailed info which he has chosen NOT to divulge, and most crucially: it's not like any of this is difficult to trace back at all. I myself could have made a similar posting many months ago but thought it wouldn't really be worth anything. Apparently I was mistaken.

Compare and contrast that with what is currently present on Spam-Court regarding Nick Danger:

Nick Danger
Posted September 17th, 2006 by TheScribblers
We have seen that one before, probably on SH. Small fish, even not that.
We are a bit afraid of Marion though. A geek with a gun and he is a little cobra too.
Honestly Marion, get out of there before it is too late.
Find something else to do.

If this vague set of references -- to someone else!! -- is what has Nick Danger (et al) so riled, why hasn't mcproxy piped up and done something about it? In fact his reply to Nick Danger's call to arms was decidedly more diffusive:

New postPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:41 am
Not the best researchers(haha) but Nick has a point. It's one of the few groups that watches BF closely. And that's a problem.

It's a problem that people will want to watch a public forum? What is this: communist Russia for Pete's sake?

It is clear from many months of watching their little hive of activity that mcproxy is much more technically savvy than the volcanic Mr. Danger. (Great name there by the way, buddy.) This must mean that the info is indeed bang on, and means that any idiot out there who really wanted to could probably connect a few dots from this teensy, scant bit of information. Again: these spammers are about as tight-lipped about what they leave in the public domain - including what they post on their deal-making forum - that if they actually do perform this DDOS attack, and it does knock the site out, the owner of Spam-Court would most definitely have several legal legs to stand on, since it is clear that he has identified at least two of the individuals who would be directly contributing to this attack.

Which begs the question: is this a good tactic to take down spammers? Spamming is still roughly considered a legal "gray area", since not every state can agree on what constitutes actual spamming activity. But a DDOS: that's punishable, and especially if you have conspiratorial messages like this one loudly proclaiming that such activity is about to occur, seeded by the very same two people this website has identified publicly: isn't that the perfect grounds for suing these individuals and demanding compensation?

I think so. Plus it has the added benefit of obviously removing two more from the ranks of idiot spammers who don't know when to actually stop emailing people who don't want their crap.

Bulkerforum.biz has always been a good place to get at least a litmus test of general spammer activity, but much of what occurs on that forum is behind the scenes, usually via nothing more than private messages or other offline communications methods.

Mr. Danger should be more careful about how publicly he proclaims something requires "Taking down." For the benefit of those readers who do not know the true character of this charming individual, I will quote from a few gems he's also posted on this forum, all of which hint at a vast array of illegal activity that he participates in liberally, and apparently with no sense of morals whatsoever.

Regarding setting up so-called "bulletproof" servers in a posting from Sept., 2006:

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:42 pm
Post subject: Inhibitors OF Free Speech.......


...are they all!

AS a bit of a Newbie, it seems to me that one must own about nine dozen domains purchased in the names of freinds, relatives, acquaintaneces, homeless people(Homeless people will do ANYTHING for a six pack or a pint of Viaka!), your cats and your dogs and just keep moving.

I have found that most "BP" servers are good for a short period and the same with sites from which one blasts out the mail.

It might be best to just keep moving, hide your payment gateways as much as possible and let them dump your domains and sites.

This of course requires WORK on your part; to keep moving but a moving target is a lot harder to hit than a deer in the headlights!

It is also possible to be one's own DNS but I haven't the foggiest idea how!

Someone on the old forum suggested this and I would like to figure out how to do it as that way you would be recieveing the complaints and could round-file them, at least for a while.

Any thoughts?

Nick Danger.


Homelss people are also good straw men for bank accouts but take them to a bank far away from the alley in which they live as they will soon foget where you have taken them and do not leave them with any banking info.

You then extract the money from the account using an ATM card and the money is NOT traceable to you!

Heh, heh.

Did I say that?
He walks again by night.

Isn't that great? He'll use a homeless person to set up a domain for him and then benefit from it, when they are the ones who can be tracked back to his illegal activity. Charming, I say again.

In October of 2006, he also described in quite a bit of detail how an average pump and dump stock spamming scam works:

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:05 pm
Post subject: OK, Here It Is.............


Don't waste your time and resources mailing for someone else on this plan.

What you do is to get someone with at least $10-12K to invest that money in the penny stock of your choice.

You as the mailer then pump up the stock in millions of messages.

You want your freind to buy on Wed or Thursday and you send out your emails on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

On Monday you keep a VERY close watch on the stock and 90% of the time, you will see the stock rise 6 or more percent.

On Tuesday your freind sells out and the profit will be in the 6-20% area, depending on how well you have worded your email, your delivery rate and how intriguing is the penny stock.

Now 6% of $10K is not a lot of money by itself but if you consider that for this plan to work you should be mailing every week and if you have someone with $50K to invest at the rate of $10K in each of several stocks, the numbers start adding up quickly.

You must keep as much paper distance between yourself and the actual stockholder as the FTC and SEC take a dim view of this practice and will put you in jail if they catch you at so use only overseas mailers, etc.

When setting up this little thingy do NOT use emails, cell phones and keep no written notes.

You can use pre-paid cell phones which are traceable to no one.

Also, you as the mailer NEVER want to actually hold any of the stock in your name or the name of any relative or close freind; you do NOT want this traced back to you!

Good luck!
He walks again by night.

He wrote a followup in the exact same thread dated January 21st, 2007

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:24 pm
Post subject: Or...................................................


If you want to pump-and-dump for yourself and let's face it; all stock mailing is about pump-and-dump (Sorry, gang but that IS the reality!), you get someone with a minimum of ten grand to buy the stock.

Now you don't want any overt connection to this guy, do don't use email, phone calls; meet in resturants and bars like Tony soprano meets his guys.


NO IM messaging, NO AIM, NO ICQ, etc.

Your front man buys the stock in his or his compny's name.

A few weeks later, you mail for that stock predicting all sorts of wonderfulness and that money will just be lying around.

You should send these emails on a Wednesday or Thursday.

Come Monday, your guy is sitting at HIS computer wataching that stock like a hawk watches a mouse in a field.

When it goes up 6-8%, which it will if you've emailed properly, he sells.

6% of 10 grand is $600.00


You now have around $10,550.00 to work the next one.

If your guy has, let's say $50K available, you can work several of these at the same time.

Don't so it too often under the same acount though; move around your portfolio among the discount brokers so that you do not draw attention to your little "thang".

This is how it really works and it has nothing to do with these compnaies "raising capital", "funding research", etc; none of the claims made are true.

ALL stock mailing is connected to a pump-and-dump plan so let's not gild the lily and let's also face reality.

Is this legal?

Probably not.

Is it ethical?

When discussing anything connected with the stock market the terms "ethical" and "stocks" are mutually exclusive, so who cares?


Nick Danger.
He walks again by night.

Anyone remotely familiar with several press releases over the past several months from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will be painfully aware that what Mr. Danger is describing is a federally illegal act in numerous countries (not only the United States, where "Nick Danger" is located,) and is punishable by heavy fines and real jail time.

His abuse of the identity of homeless people is also a federal crime, punishable by anywhere from 10 - 20 years in prison and several hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.

If he follows through with his DDOS attack, I believe the time will be ripe for the operators of Spam-Court to follow up with a lawsuit. In fact I even know some successful spam-fighting lawyers who could help with that. :)