Wednesday, May 16, 2007


In light of recent tirades from the so-called Mr. "Nick Danger", and especially his massive outburst yesterday, I thought I would set the record straight via other means. So I posted to NANAE regarding all the data we've discovered on Nick Danger / Marion Lynn so far.

This may be of interest to some of you, especially if you are an employee of Dreamhost, or if you're in the state of Kansas and have any affiliation with law enforcement. It would especially be useful to members of the US Department of Justice, as well as the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


SiL / IKS / concerned citizen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This "Nick Danger" is definitely a maroon and his antics fall under Spam Rule #3 - thanks for posting this stuff, SiL, I think someone who can do something to go after Mr. Danger will notice, or may be they have already.
- anti- M.